Saturday, May 11, 2019

[whY] The Shards

  1. All Shards revolve around some kind of central location, a place where immense power can be found.
  2. Not all Shards are inhabited - conditions on some of them are quite lethal…
  3. Shards that are left unprotected may vanish. Sometimes they reappear, twisted beyond recognition.
  4. An artificial black hole is located in the center of all Shards. And all Shards are somehow connected to it.
  5. Boundaries of some shards are clearly visible, while others seem to stretch infinitely.
  6. Shards that are uninhabited by humans are sometimes home to some unspeakable monstrosities, much better adapted to particular fragments of reality.
  7. From time to time, particular Shards seem to overlap. There was a clan who possessed a method of determining when and where it will occur. Or maybe it was just another myth.
  8. Some shards are artificially lit, while others seem to be surrounded by dim glow. Night-day cycle is extremely rare.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

The very first Ortix Podcast!


Well, it happened. I recorded my very first podcast ever.

I was really nervous, the hum of the laptop can be perfectly heard (even though I recorded using the contraption presented above!) and my English is shitty. But I felt the urge to record it and I did it.

In this - the first ever - episode, I'm talking about the whY setting, its background, some basic features and the form. It's not very long, and most likely not very good as well! But I hope you'll enjoy it :)

Ortix Podcast S01E01 - Introduction and something about The Game Called... whY