Saturday, August 3, 2024

Idiotic character background details

This is really something. Something pretty useless. But I felt inspired in a weird way - a way I don't think is very fruitful!

Roll 1d20 to learn about some pretty meaningless facts about your PC's background!

  1. PC's family owns 6d6 ducks.
  2. PC's maternal grandmother has/had 2d8-2 warts on her face.
  3. There's 3% chance that the PC's great-grandfather was a magic user. 90% chance that he was a really lousy one.
  4. When the PC was a kid, he/she owned a 1d20: 1-9 pet dog, 10-18 pet cat, 19 pet goose 20 goldfish.
  5. Two generations ago, all PC's direct ancestors had irises of different colors in both eyes.
  6. PC's paternal grandfather lost a leg during a war. Also, he is/was an alcoholic.
  7. 1d3+2 generations ago, PC's family lost a sizable estate and their entire fortune due to gambling.
  8. 1d3+2 generations ago, PC's family lost a sizable estate and their entire fortune due to magical curse.
  9. PC's father had 1d4 affairs, while his/her mother had 1d3.
  10. PC's great-great-grandmother was an illegitimate child of a local prince/duke/baron.
  11. Neither the PC's parents nor grandparents had ever owned a cat.
  12. PC's grandfather was magically allergic to horses, mules and donkeys.
  13. PC's father became bald when he was 12+1d6 years old.
  14. All siblings of the PC's parents became monks or priests. Or nuns. Or priestesses.
  15. PC's grandfather had a biggest mustache in the entire region.
  16. PC's grandmother had a biggest mustache in the entire region.
  17. When the PC was a kid, he/she fell in love with a member of royal family. The love was one-sided, obviously.
  18. PC's 1d6: 1-3 father, 4-6 mother was locally infamous for his/her extremely loud, high pitched voice.
  19. PC's great-great-grandfather was a butler for the local prince/duke/baron.
  20. PC's parents once won a local contest for growing a largest turnip in the area.

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